Managing SSH Keys

1. Create an SSH Key pair

Paste the text below in your terminal, replacing the email used in the example with your email:

ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -f ~/.ssh/deepauto_ssh -C "[email protected]"

2. Add the SSH public key in Studio

Locate and copy the generated ssh public key. You can run the following command to copy it:

cat ~/.ssh/

in LiteAI Space, go to (Personal Profile) → (Authentication) → (Add New SSH Key) to paste the SSH public key.

(Personal Profile)

(Personal Profile)

(Authentication) → (Add New SSH Key)

(Authentication) → (Add New SSH Key)

Paste your SSH public key

Paste your SSH public key

Connecting to a Workspace via SSH

If you are already done with step 1 and 2, you can skip them.

1. Install SSH Proxy (cloudflared) uses SSH tunnel by Cloudflare (cloudflared). Users need to install cloudflared first.

You can refer the following document for the full instruction: Cloudflare Tunnel Downloads


brew install cloudflared

Linux (Ubuntu)